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Homeowner Efforts 2023

Each Homeowner is encouraged to learn more about Tree health and infestations, Wildfire, Wildfire Mitigation and Home Hardening and perform tasks including:


•Get a FREE Defensible Space Inspection to improve understanding and help develop your own Wildfire Mitigation plan

•Install wildfire embers steel screen mesh over attic and other home openings

•Create 5-foot perimeter around home with no flammable items

•Thin crowded trees

•Cut tree branches 6-10 feet from ground

•Identify trees with Dwarf Mistletoe infestations, report it to Forestry and get professional help to address issue

•Identify trees with Mountain Pine Beetle infestations, report it to Forestry and get professional help to address issue

•Remove all Junipers (aka “The Little Green Gasoline Can”)

•Regularly remove Pine Needles and Pinecones from Roof and Ground

•Annually remove new and small Pine Trees

•Participate in our annual Ridge-wide removal of branches, trees, etc., from your property and stack this slash at curb

•Collect Yard Waste regularly and bag any needles, pinecones and similar waste and bind branches and trees with string and place at curb


Act like both your life and your home are at risk…they are!

"Junk the Juniper"

There is a broader effort to eliminate Junipers from the Evergreen Area called 

“Junk the Junipers”. Here is why...

What Increases Risk to Your Life and Your Home 

The factors listed in this section can cause: 

•Higher Intensity and More Damaging Wildfire 

•Injury or loss of life 

•Home/Building Damage and Loss 

Eliminate Dangerous Plants and Combustibles 


• Juniper Trees, Shrubs and Ground Covers are notorious for their wildfire spreading characteristics and should be removed from your property immediately. This single action can significantly reduce the risk of wildfire damage to your home and property in addition to your neighbors. 

• Junipers are the most combustible vegetation on your property. Junipers contain resins that are highly flammable and do not belong near your home or on your property especially in this Wildland/Urban interface. Firefighters nickname them “gasoline plants” since upon ignition they burst with an intense high heat and long flames propelling burning embers and will ignite surrounding homes, trees and other vegetation. 

© 2023  -  Forestry Committee of The Ridge at Hiwan HOA  -  Evergreen, CO

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